
Participated in International Projects

  1. GÉANT GN4 Phase 2 - 2016-2020 / Role: participant in JRA4-T1
  2. EDISON - 2015-2017 / Role: Portal/Authentication
  3. GÉANT GN4 Phase 1 - 2015-2016 / coordinator for MK MARNet, prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska / Role: participant in the Campus Best Practice task / PDF
  4. GÉANT GN3+ (Multi-Gigabit Research and Educational Network and Associated Services) EU FP7, 2013-2015, coordinator for MK MARNet, prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska – Task Campus Best Practice / Role: participant
  5. SEE-ERA-EI, FP7, Research Infrastructure in South East Europe, MARNET, 2009-2013, (coordinator for MK prof. d-r Маргита Кон-Поповска) 2009-13 / role: participant
  6. GÉANT GN3 (Multi-Gigabit Research and Educational Network and Associated Services) EU FP7, 2009-2013, coordinator for MK prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska – CERT, eduroam, cert, netfork factory 2011-12 / role: participant
  7. TEMPUS IV, ViCES (Video Conferencing Educational Services), UKIM and MARNET, coordinator for MK prof. d-r V. Trajkovikj 2009-12 / role: participant
  8. SEE-GRID-SCI (South Eastern European GRid-enabled e-Infrastructure Development for Science), EU FP7, coordinators for MK prof. d-r А.Бучковска, prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska 2008-10 / role: participant
  9. Tempus JEP 40020-2005 – IETC (Integrating E-Learning across Teachers Curriculum in Macedonia) – Универзитетот Гоце Делчев во Штип 2006-09 / role: participant
  10. INTERREG IIIB CADSES – ELISA (e-learning for improving access to Information Society for SMEs in the SEE Area), coordinator for MK prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska 2005-08 / role: participant
  11. SEE-GRID2 (South Eastern European GRid-enabled e-Infrastructure Development) Initiative IST FP6, coordinators for MK prof. d-r A. Buchkovska, prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska MARNET 2006-08 / role: participant
  12. SEEREN2 (South Eastern European Research & Education Networking) IST FP6, coordinator prof. d-r Б.Поповски, prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska MARNET 2005-07 / role: participant
  13. UNESCO – Hewlett Packard Partnership Piloting Solutions for Alleviating Brain Drain in South East Europe, coordinator for MK prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska, prof. d-r A. Buchkovska 2005-06 / role: participant
  14. Tempus CD-JEP-18035-2003 “Joint M.Sc. Curriculum in Software Engineering“, University in Novi Sad, coordinator for MK prof. d-r K. Zdravkova 2004-07 / role: participant
  15. Tempus CARDS CD JEP 18046-2003 “Management and (e)Business Education in Computer Studies“, coordinator for MK M. Gushev 2005-06 / role: participant
  16. Tempus SCM No C009B03 “Implementing Modules and ECTS for Computer Studies“, coordinator for MK M. Gushev 2004-06 / role: participant
  17. DAAD, Stability Pact "Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering" – Humbolt University in Berlin, coordinator for MK prof. K. Zdravkova 2004-09 / role: participant
  18. Tristan-East IST FP5 (, Ministry of education and science 2003,2005 / role: participant
  19. TEMPUS CD JEP-16160-2001 “Innovation of Computer Science Curriculum in Higher Education”, Electronical faculty in Nish, coordinator for MK за МК – M. Gushev 2001-04 / role: participant
  20. TEMPUS JEP-16114-2001 “Web Based Interuniversity Library Network” - University in Novi Sad, coordinator for MK prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska 2002-03 / role: participant
  21. SEE-GRID (South Eastern European GRid-enabled e-Infrastructure Development) Initiative IST FP6, coordinators for MK A. Buchkovska, M. Kon-Popovska 2004-06 / role: participant
  22. SEEREN (South Eastern European Research & Education Networking) IST FP5, coordinators for MK B. Popovski, M. Kon-Popovska, MARNET 2002-03 / role: participant
  23. MANI (MARNet advanced network infrastructure) SKOMAN (SKOpje Metropolitan Area Network) – финансиран од NATO SCIENCE PROGRAMME, Research Infrastructure Support Sub-Programme NETWORKING INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT, CN.NIG.979592, directors Ј. А. Sanches, M.Kon-Popovska 2003 / role: participant
  24. DAAD "Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering" – Humbolt University in Berlin, coordinator for MK prof. K. Zdravkova 2001-04 / role: participant
  25. "The Potential of B-B Platforms for the Macedonian industry – Technical and Economic Aspects" – University "St. Gallen" – Switzerland, coordinator for MK prof. M. Kon-Popovska 2002-04 / role: participant
  26. SINSEE (Scientific Information Network of South East Europe), Max-Planck Institute, German Federal Ministry for Education and UNESCO, coordinator for MK prof. M. Kon-Popovska 2002 / role: participant
  27. INTERREG.3 "Cooperation amongst Higher Education Institutes of Greece and neighboring countries and transfer of technology on organization and development of the technological infrastructure with the use od Information, Communication and Organizational Systems", University Macedonia, Thessaloniki, coordinator for MK prof. M. Kon-Popovska 2000-01 / role: participant
  28. Tempus AC_JEP-14440-1999 "Distributed Information Technologies, New Curricula And Flexible Education", Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, coordinator for MK prof. M. Kon-Popovska Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 1999-02 / role: participant
  29. "PHARE Multi-Country Programme for Distance Education – National Contact Point for Open and Distance Learning", coordinator for MK prof. M. Kon-Popovska 1999-00 / role: participant
  30. Tempus AC_JEP-13577-98 "Development Of The Integrated Academic Library Information System", Royal School of Library and Information Science - Copenhagen, coordinator for MK prof. d-r M. Kon-Popovska, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 1999-00 / role: participant