
Official Email

Send your emails to name [dot] lastname @ domain.

Please, do not use this address for sending personal information. If you wish to do so, contact me first and ask to establish personal correspondence, and I will get back to you when and if appropriate.

Email From Students

Although you can contact me by email, it is much better to use the private messages of the Courses system. This guarantees that:

  • I will receive the message
  • I can check that you are really a student.

For quick questions, please use the chat options.

Chat / VoIP / Videoconf

Best Option - IRC

Visit , enter your desired nickname and join the channel #finki where you can contact me under the nickname ajan

Besides #finki, I regularly visit the channels #sisng (SISng Project Official Channel), #foss2serve, #lugola, #opensourcemusicians

Nearly all open-source projects use IRC for communication or support. If you are new to IRC, please read this introduction.

Alternative - ToX

Download the free and open-source qTox software and contact me, but please introduce yourself with your request. My Tox ID: E6B051C7A8BE846047922E3847221C57AD9CA75D9735F9732BD9CB536A135D5CB02851AAFBB6

If you are new to ToX, please read this. The ID is changing on a regular basis, please check here for the latest one.

Social networks

I am an occasional user on several web forums. I am also present at ResearchGate.

FB, TW, LI, MS, G+, ... I don't like them and I don't use them. Neither should you.