
Personal Information

General Information

Photo of Vangel V. Ajanovski

Vangel V. Ajanovski, Doctor of Science in Informatics (PhD)

Full Professor at the
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Saints Cyril and Methodius University
Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Official Faculty Web Listing

Presence at other networks

GitHub | ORCID | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | Mendeley | ResearcherID | Scopus

Research topics

Recommender systems, Learning Analytics, Information Systems, ... [more]


Databases, Internet Technologies, Big-Data Analytics, Information Systems, Development Processes, ... [more]

Short CV

  • 2023 - Full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
  • 2018 - Associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
  • 2013 - Assistant professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
  • 2013 - Public defense of the doctoral dissertation “Adaptive and social self-structuring navigation systems for public information systems”, receving a degree of Doctor of Science in Informatics (equivalent to a Ph. D.)
  • 2011 - Moved to the newly formed Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE) - the result of a merger of the two largest institutions in the area of informatics and computer technologies in Macedonia - the Institute of Informatics (II) at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Institute of Computer Technics and Informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (ICTI)
  • 2005-2009 - Head of the Computing center of the Institute of Informatics, responsible for the operations of the NOC, 8 teaching computer labs and 3 research labs, and more than hundred online services
  • 2007 - Teaching assistant at the Institute of Informatics.
  • 2006 - Finished the graduate studies, with the master thesis “Public information systems and information portals” receiving a degree of Magister of Science in Informatics (equivalent to M.Sc.)
  • 2003 - Worked on establishing of the Gigabit metropolitan area network of the Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje - dark fibre and P2MP wireless - SKOMAN and MANI project
  • 2002 - Junior teaching assistant at the Institute of Informatics
  • 2000 - Enrolled graduate studies in Informatics at the Institute of Informatics
  • 1999 - Research associate at the Institute of Informatics - Department of Software Engineering, and started with teaching laboratory excercises (see courses)
  • 1999 - Finished undergraduate studies with the diploma thesis "Web Applications and Databases"
  • 1998 - The first online student service in Macedonia – Exam enrollment web application, available since 1998 at the Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics serving online exam applications for more than 2000 student. Awarded by the University as the best student work in the area of informatics.
  • 1997 - One of the founders of the Student Information Center at the Institute of Informatics, which was the first Macedonian Internet-access service for students offering: computer lab Internet access, chat (IRC), web hosting and email hosting, multimedia archive.
  • 1994 - Author of the first book on the Windows operating system in Macedonia – "Windows 3.1 Basics".
  • 1994 - Editor and author of more than a hundred newspaper and magazine articles on popular computing topics, for the Microchip weekly centerpiece in the daily newspaper Vecher and the Blef magazine.
  • 1993 - Started undergraduate studies in Applied Informatics at the Institute of Informatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
  • 1993 - Finished high-school "R.J. Korcagin" in Skopje - professional title "Informatics technician" - with the graduation project Record keeping of high-school student grades and averages for the internal purposes of the school
  • 1989-1993 - High-school regional and country-level competitions in informatics, mathematics and physics - achieving the highest (or among the highest) awards in each of them
  • 1989 - First machine-level code, "assembled" manually for the C=64 - visualization of the Mandelbrot set
  • 1985 - First home computer (Commodore 64) and first encounter with a programming language - Commodore 64 BASIC V2