Database Administration
My teaching philosophy:
Learn by Doing
All courses I teach are project based - students work individually or in small groups towards a successful project implementation
Guided and Personalized
I personally supervise the project work - week by week, and offer menthorship and guidance through individualized comments and critique towards advancement
Online-held since 2021
Mentorship will be offered online using videoconferencing systems, and practical work will be condone using a special software system, that enables hands-on practice assignments and exams
Main topics
Organization of data storage in database management systems
- File systems and data organization Page
- Data partitioning Page
- Page database scaling and replication
Operational level in database management systems
- Transactions, concurrent execution, and resource locking Page
- Memory aspects and caching in Page databases
Maintenance of database management systems
- Regular maintenance of Page databases
- Backup and restoration of Page databases
Optimization and performance
- Hardware requirements and performance measurement of Page database systems
- Performance Analysis and Optimization Techniques Page
- Profiling and optimization of questionnaire execution
Project work
See finished projects tagged as DBA at DEVELOP@FINKI