Computer sound, speech and music

My teaching philosophy:

  • Learn by Doing
    All courses I teach are project based - students work individually or in small groups towards a successful project implementation
  • Guided and Personalized
    I personally supervise the project work - week by week, and offer menthorship and guidance through individualized comments and critique towards advancement
  • Online-held since 2021
    Lectures and exams will be held online using videoconferencing systems, and practical work will be condone using a special software system that I developed for this course, that enables hands-on practice assignments and exams

This is just a short decription of the course and my general teaching philosophy.

Lecture topics

  1. Computer sound
  2. Computer speech
  3. Computer music
  4. PureData / PurrData
  5. SuperCollider
  6. HTML5 Web Audio API

Project work

Class Schedules

  • Summer break until 01.10.2024

Consultations / Office hours

  • FCSE web-site reports that none are scheduled at this moment. Contact hours for each next week are published at the end of the current week. Please check again or contact me to make an appointment.

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