Computer sound, music and speech

Course organization:

  • Menthor led work.
  • Small group and lots of discussion.
  • No exams, no tests.

Project based work:

Students will be organized in teams and work on a project that focuses on computer sound, music and/or speech. Projects range from computer-generated songs, over interactive applications that include sound and music, to data sonification and other topics.

The course also includes individual assignments that are intented to be solved during laboratory exercises.

My teaching philosophy:

  • Learn by Doing
    All courses I teach are project based - students work individually or in small groups towards a successful project implementation
  • Guided and Personalized
    I personally supervise the project work - week by week, and offer menthorship and guidance through individualized comments and critique towards advancement
  • Held in person since 2024
    Lectures and exams will be held in person and practical work will be condone using special software applications

Course topics

  1. Computer sound
  2. Computer speech
  3. Computer music
  4. PureData / PurrData
  5. SuperCollider
  6. HTML5 Web Audio API

Past Course Project work

See finished projects tagged as CompSnd at DEVELOP@FINKI

Class Schedules

  • Internet Technologies Lectures
    Mon 10-12 | Wed 10-12
  • ICT for Development
    Menthor led @ Consultatations
  • Web Search Engines
    Menthor led @ Consultatations

Consultations / Office hours

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